physicians medical practice EHR CCM
Expand your practice to include Chronic Care Management and increase your Medicare reimbursement levels. Offer telehealth, mHealth home monitoring tools and other offerings to your patients. Expand your brand with our model that provides a proven ROI with fee based or additional reimbursements. Chronic-Care Management Healthcare organizations are striving to get a handle on chronic care management. 86% of healthcare costs involve patients with one or more chronic care conditions. Medicare offers CPT Code 99490
Offer specialized programs such as Chronic Care Management to your consumers that need it the most. ISeeYouCare’s HIE platform can serve as a launching point for your population health and wellness program. The Challenge From a payer’s standpoint, having real-time access to the clinical data associated with their beneficiaries for use with their existing loss/risk assessment technologies would be advantageous. Most if not all of the Issuers use “claims” as their primary source of data
health systems
Patient engagement is no longer a buzzword or fad but rather a strategy that hospitals and care systems have embraced as an integral part of improving patient outcomes. Learn how ISeeYouCare’s platform can reduce readmissions, increase revenues and improve patient quality. Reduce Readmissions Readmissions are a problem. Nationwide, over 21% of patients are readmitted within 30 days. This increases the cost and inconvenience of care to the patient, and impacts hospitals by higher costs and

Triple Aim

Posted by Robert Higgs on  April 14, 2017
Category: Slider

Healthcare Stats

Posted by Robert Higgs on  April 14, 2017
Category: Slider

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