Jay Sanders

Jay Sanders, MD

Posted by Robert Higgs on  April 20, 2017
Category: Quotes
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I was glad to see someone put the “Medicine” in with the “Tele”.  (Speaking about ISeeYouCare’s platform)
Robert Bob Higgs CEO Founder Evansville Indiana

Robert Higgs – Founder/CEO

Posted by Robert Higgs on  April 20, 2017
Category: Quotes
There are but two components to the healthcare system that are relevant; the patient and the care provider. Only one of these components are mobile throughout their lifetime – the patient!
technology to bring down healthcare costs
These kinds of innovations could save tens of thousands of lives each year while substantially bringing down healthcare costs.
Long term care Skilled Nursing Facility
ISeeYouCare’s cloud-based platform enables “continuity-of-care” for the patient with home monitoring and anywhere, anytime, with 24×7 connectivity to board certified care providers. Meet the Patient Where They Are One of our overriding principles of our platform is that the patient is the only truly mobile part of the healthcare ecosystem.  Therefore, our tools are designed to be as mobile as you are.  Our applications run on mobile devices (IOS and Android) as well as web-based
SNF Skilled Nursing Facility

Nursing Homes

Posted by Robert Higgs on  April 14, 2017
Comments Off on Nursing Homes
Category: Long Term Care
Telemedicine and our eTelehealth system can change the paradigm of care by improving access to physicians and reducing the need for hospital readmissions.  Our platform provides Disease Management Protocols to assist your medical staff in making timely, accurate assessments that lead to better decisions and outcomes for the patient. Limited Staff Staffing is a challenge in today’s nursing facilities.  Turnover and lack of medical professionals on duty at all hours impact care and the ability

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