We often debate what we should call our cornerstone product, our, MyeMHR Personal Health Record, is it a PHR? Is it an HIE? Population Health? It touches on all of these. Lately, we came to the conclusion that it is Read More

We often debate what we should call our cornerstone product, our, MyeMHR Personal Health Record, is it a PHR? Is it an HIE? Population Health? It touches on all of these. Lately, we came to the conclusion that it is Read More
As the shift from episodic to value-based care continues, health systems are seeking to improve clinical workflows and reduce the amount of “inefficient” time with physicians. Patient-Reported Outcomes prove valuable over time, based on a recent article published in the Read More
The Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act of 2017 (S.870), sponsored by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), was passed in the Senate last week. The bipartisan CHRONIC Care Act of Read More
Expand your practice to include Chronic Care Management and increase your Medicare reimbursement levels. Offer telehealth, mHealth home monitoring tools and other offerings to your patients. Expand your brand with our model that provides a proven ROI with fee based Read More
Patient engagement is no longer a buzzword or fad but rather a strategy that hospitals and care systems have embraced as an integral part of improving patient outcomes. Learn how ISeeYouCare’s platform can reduce readmissions, increase revenues and improve patient Read More