Telemedicine and our eTelehealth system can change the paradigm of care by improving access to physicians and reducing the need for hospital readmissions. Our platform provides Disease Management Protocols to assist your medical staff in making timely, accurate assessments that lead to better decisions and outcomes for the patient.
Limited Staff
Staffing is a challenge in today’s nursing facilities. Turnover and lack of medical professionals on duty at all hours impact care and the ability to provide the best possible care for your patients at all times. This problem will continue to grow as our population ages and demands on the LTC community increase. Our solutions are meant to provide additional support to your staff where you need it the most.
Telemedicine reduces readmissions
Readmissions are a tremendous problem for hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. Every readmission impacts the quality of life to the patient and family, increases costs to the healthcare system, and reduces reimbursements due to empty beds. Our patient-centric telehealth platform can be used by skilled nursing facilities to bring in expert medical care during the day or after hours and weekends, to assist your nursing resources on staff. By seeing a physician over telemedicine, you can reduce readmissions by well over 50%. And, you will increase your bottom line, as well as your acute-care partner hospitals, and improve the quality of life for the patient and caregivers.
Our Solution
The Long-Term Care Market represents a significant opportunity for many of the company’s solutions, both software and hardware. (Mobile Carts & Diagnostics) There are some 17,600 long term health facilities in north America. Only 12-15% of these presently have electronic medical records based systems. They were left out of the HITECH Act and the Meaningful Use Incentive Program and thus, were not required to transition with the rest of the healthcare industry nor were they “incentivized to do so”. Other than the obvious opportunity for our Telemedicine EHR Ambulatory and In-patient Software solution, we have developed a unique business model for Skilled Nursing Facilities.
The business model is based on adoption of a “In-Facility Care Program”. The program was developed in response to the following facts; a typical 100 bed long term facility spends $20,000 per month in “transport cost”. This is non-reimbursable and is considered overhead. This cost is absorbed by the facility operator in order to transport a resident patient to some other care provider for medical services.
Through adoption of our In-Facility Care Model, an operator can reduce their transport cost by 75 to 80% and at the same time, generate an additional $5000 in new revenues by way of performing and billing for the services associated with performing ECG, Ultrasounds, X-Ray, Blood and Work (pathology) and other like services. An off-site network of physicians can provide additional support using eTelehealth for a flat fee per patient encounter. Additionally, this program will reduce 30 Day Readmissions to hospitals by allowing a telemedicine consult to take place prior to calling for transportation. It is estimated that over two-thirds of readmissions can be deferred by this means. This means better relationships with hospitals, better experiences for patients and families, and better revenue stream for nursing facilities (less empty beds).
ISeeYouCare has a leasing company that can finance such deployments for any one deployment in the amount sufficient to cover all cost. The program is based on a three-year lease with ISeeYouCarepicking up the equipment at the end of the three years and donating to charitable organization at home and abroad. At the same time, wewill replace all such equipment with present technology so as to keep current with changes and advancement being made at a remarkable rate.