The concept of a Patient Bill of Rights has been around for decades. Congress and other organizations have made several attempts at creating a formal bill of rights, but to no avail. The US Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Read More

The concept of a Patient Bill of Rights has been around for decades. Congress and other organizations have made several attempts at creating a formal bill of rights, but to no avail. The US Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Read More
There is a significant need for better tools for medication adherence. Patients, for a variety of reasons, do not take their prescription medications according to the doctor’s direction. Furthermore, Chronic Care patients are most likely to not take their medications Read More
The National Institute of Health defines patient centered care as: “health care that establishes a partnership among practitioners, patients, and their families (when appropriate) to ensure that decisions respect patients’ wants, needs and preferences and solicit patients’ input on the Read More
As reported by Beckers, on August 13, 2017, National Coordinator for Health IT Don Rucker, MD, laid out three of the ONC’s top priorities related to the 21st Century Cures Act during a speech at Allscripts Client Experience, the company’s Read More
There are but two components to the healthcare system that are relevant; the patient and the care provider. Only one of these components are mobile throughout their lifetime – the patient!