Personal Health Records are now everywhere. EHRs have their versions. There are many on the market. Additionally, there are several free ones. (We even offer a free version of ours). But most fall short of offering the promise of a Read More

Personal Health Records are now everywhere. EHRs have their versions. There are many on the market. Additionally, there are several free ones. (We even offer a free version of ours). But most fall short of offering the promise of a Read More
Medical practices are trying to find ways to increase revenues. With the challenges of reimbursement rates, overhead required to fulfill quality metrics and reporting, appointment cancellations, liability insurance increases… the list goes on and on. Consequently, medical practitioners should look Read More
What if Healthcare data was managed by the DMV? That conversation recently came up as one of our team members relocated from to a different state. During the process of trying to get a license in the new state of Read More
ISeeYouCare is proud to announce that they have been selected by the Healthcare Enterprises Network (HEN) as a member of their inaugural class of VIPs (Very Innovative Pioneer). The mission of HEN is to foster and champion the growth of Read More
The concept of pushing knowledge downward has been around for several years. As a result, ISeeYouCare’s platform is an example of a tool that allows medical practitioners to do just that. In a paper published in 2007, “The Great Ideas Read More