Chronic Care Management (CCM) programs have been in place for several years, and have met with some success in certain types of markets. One market that has not been able to take advantage of CCM is the behavioral Health community. Read More

Chronic Care Management (CCM) programs have been in place for several years, and have met with some success in certain types of markets. One market that has not been able to take advantage of CCM is the behavioral Health community. Read More
A new program began by CMS in 2015 is demonstrating good results. Chronic Care Management is showing a positive ROI for physicians and for CMS. In a report posted last week, CMS demonstrated that spending per beneficiary participating in a Read More
ISeeYouCare, Inc.’s Smart Health Card is designed according to NIST standards and the parameters established by the Smart Card Alliance (now called the “Secure Technology Alliance”. This design exceeds those of other formats, such as magnetic strip cards or barcode Read More